Minka Ledger Docs

About Labels Policies

July 15, 2024@Luis FidelisInitial version

What is a labels policy?

Label policies are used to define which labels can be used, and how, by records in ledger. They have schema labels which defines a specific structure of policy rules contained in values of the policy.

POST /v2/policies
  data: {
    handle: '...',
    schema: 'labels',
    record: '<record>',
    filter: { ... },
    values: [ ... ]

There are root properties in policy record and filter which refer to the record type and the record value and are used to evaluate whether the policy will be applied to record when a proof to change record labels is submitted.

The principle open unless whitelisted which ledger follows in all kinds of rules is valid here also. So if for a record whose labels are to be changed there isn’t any matching labels policy (by record and filter) then the operation of changing labels will be by default accepted. Otherwise the operation needs to be explicitly granted by one of applicable policy rules.

Property filter represents standard ledger filtering concept where language used in filter expression is mongo-compatible.

Labels policies are exposed on the same endpoint as access policies with distinction that the schema property is equal to labels while for access policies schema is access. Schema of the policy record defines the structure of values array in policy.

Defining allowed labels

To define which labels can be used, we’ll use labels field in the policy values. It is an array of strings and has a meaning that the rule grants to users the ability of attaching any of these labels to a record.

POST /v2/policies
  data: {
    handle: 'preferred-account-anchor',
    schema: 'labels',
    record: 'anchor', // It applies only to anchors
    'filter: {
      schema: 'account'  // It applies only to anchors with a schema "account"
    values: [
        labels: ['preferred']
    custom: {
      description: 'Marks a account anchor as preferred in the system'

Policies are evaluated when a user try to tag records with a label. So, when existing record labels conflict with a policy created, the ledger doesn't fix the inconsistencies when the policy is created, it should be done manually by the user.

Constraining Uniqueness

Sometimes we want to limit a label so that it can’t repeat, e.g. only one account anchor of a wallet can be labeled as preferred. It can be done by adding a set of unique record properties to a label policy rule:

POST /v2/policies
  data: {
    handle: 'preferred-account-anchor-per-wallet',
    schema: 'labels',
    record: 'anchor',
    filter: {
      schema: 'account'
    values: [
        labels: ['preferred'], 
        unique: ['wallet']
    custom: {
      description: 'Marks a preferred account anchor per wallet'

Unique property names have the root in the data of the record, so root properties such as meta, hash, and luid are not addressable.

This example can be expanded to other use cases by listing more properties as unique. For example, if you want to control the preferred anchor per wallet and symbol, you want to declare it like this:

POST /v2/policies
  data: {
    handle: 'preferred-account-anchor-per-wallet-symbol',
    schema: 'labels',
    record: 'anchor',
    filter: {
      schema: 'account'
    values: [
        labels: ['preferred'], 
        unique: ['wallet', 'symbol']
    custom: {
      description: 'Marks a preferred account anchor per wallet and symbol'

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