Minka Ledger Docs

About Referenced Records

In some cases, records need to reference other records in the ledger. In those cases, the handle property is used as value and the record name in singular is used as key.

For example, referenced signer of a ledger is shown as follows:

  "hash": "<ledger-record-hash>",
  "data": {
    "handle": "<handle-of-ledger>",
    "signer": "<handle-of-signer>",
    "access": [...]
	"meta": {
	  "proofs": [...]

This means that signer with handle <handle-of-signer> exists in the active ledger.

Other examples

Wallet → Bridge

  "hash": "<wallet-record-hash>",
  "data": {
    "handle": "<handle-of-wallet>",
    "bridge": "<handle-of-bridge>",
    "access": [...]
	"meta": {
	  "proofs": [...]

Balance → Wallet, Balance → Symbol

	"hash": "<wallet-balance-record-hash>",
	"data": {
		"wallet": "<handle-of-wallet>",
		"symbol": "<handle-of-symbol>",
		"amount": 0
	"meta": {
		"proofs": [...],

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