Minka Ledger Docs
How To Guides

How to manage anchor labels

July 15, 2024@Luis FidelisInitial version

Ledger SDK allows users to tag anchors with labels.

Tagging an anchor with Ledger SDK

Bellow is an example of how to set a label preferred to the anchor tel-123-usd by using the Ledger SDK.

import { LedgerSdk } from '@minka/ledger-sdk'
const sdk = new LedgerSdk({
    server: '<your ledger URL>',
    signer: {
        format: 'ed25519-raw',
        public: '<your ledger public key>'
const { anchor, meta, hash } = await sdk.anchor.read('tel-123-usd')
await sdk.anchor
        data: anchor
        keyPair: yourKeyPair,
        custom: [{
            labels: ['preferred']

Removing a tag from anchor with Ledger SDK

Bellow is an example of how to pull the label preferred from anchor tel-123-usd by using the Ledger SDK.

import { LedgerSdk } from '@minka/ledger-sdk'
const sdk = new LedgerSdk({
    server: '<your ledger URL>',
    signer: {
        format: 'ed25519-raw',
        public: '<your ledger public key>'
const { anchor, meta, hash } = await sdk.anchor.read('tel-123-usd')
await sdk.anchor
        data: anchor
        keyPair: yourKeyPair,
        custom: [{
            labels: {
                $pull: 'preferred'
  • See About Anchors for more details about anchor concept.
  • See About Labels for more details about labels concept and extensive list of operations allowed for managing record labels.
  • See About Labels Policies for more details about constraining labels and uniqueness criteria

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