Minka Ledger Docs
How To Guides

How to sync a layout to a ledger

October 24, 2024@Omar MonterreyInitial version

Layout synchronization is a tool that can be used when one or more records defined in a layout are not up-to-date in the ledger.

Syncing a layout with CLI

Here is an example of how to synchronize a layout using the Minka CLI.

Ensure you are connected to a server and have an active ledger set in the context before proceeding.

Start by selecting the layout and the specific changes you want to synchronize.

Note: The command minka layout apply functions the same as executing minka layout sync with all records selected.

$ minka layout sync
? Select layout: Cross Ledger Payments
? Select main signer: <signer>
? Select the changes you want to sync: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
 ◯ tesla
 ◯ minka
 ◯ ach
 ◯ bank
 ◯ ach
 ◯ default
 ◯ p2p-intent
 ◯ alias-directory
❯◉ p2p
 ◯ intent
 ◯ tel-alias
 ◯ bank-wallet
 ◯ usd
 ◯ dop
 ◯ ach
 ◯ tesla
 ◯ minka
 ◯ issue_money_usd_ach
 ◯ issue_money_dop_ach
 ◯ issue_money_usd_tesla
 ◯ issue_money_dop_tesla
 ◯ issue_money_usd_minka
 ◯ issue_money_dop_minka

The change log displays the records that were added, removed, or modified during synchronization.

$ minka layout sync
? Select layout: Cross Ledger Payments
? Select main signer: <signer>
? Select the changes you want to sync: p2p
✅ Layout synced successfully:
Ledger: test-sync
Layout: Cross Ledger Payments
Layout changelog:
    o p2p (changed)

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